The re2jasper (Record Editor to jasper) has been enhanced and released as
Flat File Reporting. This project supports
building reports from RecordEditor definitions, Cobol Copybooks and JRecord (Xml) record layout definitions.
The package is basically a plugin to iReport Desginer.
IReports is a report designer for Jasper Reports.
Here is the Flat file Manual.
Formatted Diff ~ Brief description of the Formatted Diff (file compare) tool.
(This program allows you to compare the data in a file (and ignore the formatting). i.e. Binary files can be compared
with CSV or XML files.
Mainframe Notes ~ Brief Getring Started notes
for mainframe Cobol.
Cobol Notes ~ Notes on using the RecordEditor with
Cobol (particularly Open Cobol, Fujitsu Cobol).
4680 Notes Notes on using the RecordEditor with IBM 4680 POS files.
Unknown Files ~ A brief discussion on using The Layout Wizard with a
Unknow file.