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The RecordEditor program has always run on Linux / Unix, but originally many of the associated files (eg documentation) did not store files in the correct case (Linux is case sensitive). As of version 0.52.1 this has been corrected.

There is now an installation program

Download RecordEdit_Installer_for_HSQLDB_<Version>

for Linux / Unix. To run install the RecordEdit on Linux you should:

  1. Unzip the zip filoe

  2. Run the installation program (i.e. java -jar RecordEdit_Installer_for_HSQL_0.97g.jar) under your normal user id.

  3. The installation should install Icons on your desktop to:

  4. The Installer will create shell scripts in 2 directories I suggest including one of these directories in your path. That way you can edit a file by entering: filename

  5. One difference from the Windows is you must start the DB Server prior to using the RecordEditor.

  6. Start the Edit Properties, take the Screen Position tab and set the Space ot be left at the bottom of the screen to 40. For Gnome users also set the Space ot be left at the top of the screen to around 20.


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