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Filter Screen

The Filter screen is used to created a view of the data with only the record / fields the user wants.

The important parts of the screen are:

Record Filter

This section of the screen has 2 functions

  1. Select which records to display based on the Record Type (using the Include Check box).
  2. When you click on a record you can
    • Select which fields (for this record type) will be displayed.
    • Allows you to enter filters based on a records content for this record type.

Field Filter

This section of the screen allows you to select which fields will be displayed (using the Include Check box).

Clicking on the record PriceR 1 (in the record filter above) will display the fields of record PriceR 1.

Field Value Filter

This section of the screen allows you to select which record will be displayed based on record content.

In the above example, only records where the field Product contains 12 and Description contains t will be displayed.

Clicking on the record PriceR 1 (in the record filter above) will alloy you to enter Data-based filters for PriceR 1

You can enter up to 4 data filters per record type. A record must satisfy all filters (i.e. a logical And) to be displayed.

Creating Simple Reports

You can create very basic reports by combining Filtering (see "Filter Screen") with the Save-As / Export Function (see ).

With the AMS-PO file which consists of

It looks like this:

you can select specific fields of the PO header by entering:

This will produce a filtered view like

To save as a HTML file, select the Export button, then enter the following on the Export Screen:

This will produce the following HTML

Line8 : 10
18 : 12
30 : 6
Entry Date
48 : 4
52 : 6
Expected Receipt Date
87 : 2
Order Type
16060286225040909200 050102FT
26228222227040909200 050102FT
36228222243040909200 050102FT
45341294915041013475 041231FT
55341294987041013475 041231FT
65341295139041013475 041231FT
75341303662041110310 041231FT
85341304100041111310 041231FT


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