Editting 4680 Files In the RecordEditor

  • Working out Record Lengths for 4680 files
  • Defining a 4680 File Layout

  • Editting 4680 Files In the RecordEditor

    I was able to use the RecordEditor to view/edit 4680 a a previous place of work. I have included there customized 4680 file Definitions in the RecordEditor. To use the RecordEditor for editing your 4680 files, you will need to update the supplied Record Layout definitions to what your site uses. Also 4680 definitions are different from other file definitions.

    All the existing 4680 Records are in a System Pos - Store Interface

    Working out Record Lengths for 4680 files

    The RecordEditor has a special file structure Line Based Binary for 4680 files. It uses the following stratergy to work out the Record Length

    1. Try to work out the Record Type and check the last 2 bytes of the Record are Carriage Return and line Feed characters. If they are, use this Record Length.

    2. Check to see if there is a Carraige Return / Line Feed at the last 2 characters in the record for all the defined Record Lengths

    3. Search for Carraige Return / Line Feed

    Defining a 4680 File Layout

    4680 Record Layouts consist of a Master Record Layout and a series of Child Record Layouts. Following is the Price File Master, Key points:

    On the Extra Screen You need to setup

    Finally the Child Records must contain 2 bytes for the End of Line Bytes (field EOR).